Entries by Veronika Sophia Robinson

World Celebrants Week

Having had the pleasure of officiating ceremonies, internationally, for more than 26 years, I am so excited to announce that World Celebrants Week will take place from November 15th to 21st. During this week, I’ll be wearing my three celebrant-related hats: Independent Celebrant, Celebrant Trainer at Heart-led Ceremonies Celebrant Training, and as editor of The […]

Remembering Your Place

Ever since I was a little girl, I have felt a sense of power and oneness when standing beneath a starry sky. Of all the experiences I’ve had in nature, this remains the one which gives me a sense of solidity and surety in myself and my place in this universe.   As a child, […]

Civil partnership or co-creative bond?

  Increasingly, people are seeing marriage, and certainly the patriarchal or religious influences around that institution, to be archaic. Indeed, at the time of writing, there is currently a long-awaited review into marriage laws as they are well and truly outdated. Having a significant life relationship legally recognised, without the weight of traditions, is appealing […]

Grief and good cheer

Grief, Gluttony, Giving, Gratitude. Our experience of Christmas tends to fall into one or two of those areas.   Christmas has always been a cherished time in my life, made magical by parents who brought the festive season alive with enchantment and mystery. The Germanic tradition my parents passed onto me is something I still […]

Celebrant Training Cumbria

  Even though our Celebrant Training is based in Cumbria, we attract students from America, Canada, and across Europe and the UK. Heart-led Ceremonies is tutored by Veronika Sophia Robinson, a celebrant with almost 25 years of experience creating, writing and officiating all manner of ceremonies. The vocal coaching is given by Paul Robinson, an […]

A magazine for celebrants around the world

If you’ve entered the world of celebrancy after being in paid employment and surrounded by other people all day long, you soon come to realise there are acres of time spent on your own. Working hours are irregular, too: there can be evening visits to those in mourning, and for wedding celebrants Saturdays are booked […]