Entries by Veronika Sophia Robinson

The Hypocrisy of Humanists performing Handfastings

As a specialist in handfasting ceremonies, I find it hypocritical (at best) and moneymaking (at worst) for humanist celebrants to officiate wedding ceremonies which include the ritual of handfasting. Why? Firstly, humanists denounce a belief in anything connected to deities. They are, in short, self-identified atheists or agnostics. A handfasting is a beautiful and ancient […]

Guardians of the Threshold

In ancient times, a ceremony was such a significant expression of a rite of passage ~ a life-changing initiation into a new way of life ~ that oftentimes they lasted for days. Such ceremonies were acknowledged by the whole community, and all daily busyness ceased so everyone could witness and participate in the ceremonial rites. […]

Co-Creative Celebrant Training

Training students to be Heart-led Celebrants is, in some ways, a bit like the variety to be found in the life of a working celebrant. Just as every ceremony is different and unique, so too are my students. While I am aware of all the material we need to cover during their time with me, the direction […]


Where Have All The Good Men Gone?

Do you remember that power ballad by Bonnie Tyler called Holding Out For a Hero? She sings ‘where have all the good men gone?’ Those lyrics went through my head as I lay awake most of last night and the night before, tossing and turning like a volatile tornado ripping through buildings. One of the […]


High-Vibrational Living

  As we descend into the darker days and nights here in the Northern Hemisphere, that tendency to go into hibernation mode is amplified. If ever there’s a word for change, it’s Autumn.   The expansive vibrance of long, stretched-out Summer days and evenings has now long waned into the Turn of the Wheel… How […]

Silent Wedding Vows

Silence is golden, my mother often used to say to me. I see now that it was code for the fact I talked too much as a child! Kahlil Gibran, the Lebanese poet, wrote in his book The Prophet: “You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts; And when you can […]

Bohemian Wedding

This week I had the pleasure of officiating a ceremony for Michael and Victoria. They chose a bohemian-themed, personalised, celebrant-led wedding at Watermillock, Cumbria. Their ceremony included a communal ring blessing and a Celtic handfasting.   Thank you for choosing me as your celebrant, Michael and Victoria!   Here are a few images from this […]